According to, as of this date, the publication has been reached by 1,000 interested persons through that venue in the Houston area and in counties up and down the Gulf Coast (more), but readership also includes Arizona, and California where similar problems exist, and in some 48 countries, including China, Russia, India, many African countries and others where over-pumping of groundwater from unconsolidated and consolidated sediments exist along with similar geological conditions where growth faulting is a dominant structural feature within soft sediments.

The report is titled: Growth Faulting and Subsidence in the Houston, Texas Area – A Guide to the Origins, Relationships, Hazards, Potential Impacts, and Methods of Investigation (more). Three updates have been incorporated. See internal link to August, 2015 Update.

The authors, led by I2M’s  Michael D. Campbell, P.G., C.P. G. P.H, and supported by M. David Campbell, P.G., and Henry M. Wise, P.G., C.P.G. are pleased by the significant interest demonstrated by the readership of the Guide to date.

During the mid-1990s, the Institute of Environmental Technology (IET), consisting of associates of the Environmental Litigation Associates (ELA) and other senior environmental professionals in the Houston area, taught a 4-month program designed to cross-train professional refugees from a depressed oil and gas industry for the purpose of finding employment in an expanding environmental industry. Over more than 5 years, some 400 geologists, engineers, and other professionals graduated from that program, most of whom found professional employment. One of the objectives of the IET program was to provide continuing support after graduation. The Guide released in 2014 was the result of more than 10 years of research and discussions on the subject of interest to those in the Houston area and elsewhere in the U.S.