
I2M’s David Campbell Releases the New Version of the I2M Web Portal

M. David Campbell, P.G., I2M’s Vice President and Senior Program Manager, announced today the release of the new and improved version of the I2M Web Resource Portal. It has all of the previous 5,000 resources, plus current resources. It now has intelligent phrase search capability and has been online since 2009. It is also designed for mobile devices and is much faster than the previous version hosted on Cloud servers.

The I2M Web Portal consists of topical selections that are strongly influenced by the interests of I2M management, Associates, and Clients, made available as a public service to other geoscientists, and the discerning general public. The topical coverage is illustrated in the graphic provided (here).

Historical search summaries can now be obtained with phrase searches on such topics as the development of small nuclear reactors (e.g., using the term: SMR, and by filtering for sequential date or relevance), developments of particular uranium properties and associated mines (e.g., use Mestena Mine), and on new environmental methods and remedial solutions to managing difficult contaminants (e.g., using term recalcitrant).

An Index to the subjects covered are listed on the Home page under major and subcategory category headings, while the most recent entries (last 90 days) are available on the What’s New page. Additional information about the web portal is available at About this Portal.

I2M Associates personnel also […]

2021-03-23T19:33:37-05:00November 2nd, 2017|Tags: , |0 Comments

I2M’s Web Portal Just Passed 5,000 Resources in Data Base

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., I2M’s Chief Geologist and Chief Hydrogeologist, announced today that I2M’s Web Resource Portal just passed 5,000 entries (resource reports, technical media, etc,) under 219 categories. This is six months ahead of projections of Portal growth. The milestone was reached by the enthusiastic support and input from I2M staff and associates from around the world. The Web Portal serves as an on-line file cabinet containing reports, technical news items, etc. that will be available wherever you are as long as the Internet is in range. The tabs below will provides most of the answers you might have about the I2M Web Portal:

Latest Resources | The Catalog Index | Description & Objectives of the Web Portal | Categories & Distribution (2017)

2021-03-23T19:34:42-05:00April 13th, 2017|Tags: , |0 Comments

I2M Web Portal Approaching 4,000 citations / 219 categories in Database

The I2M Resource Web Portal is approaching 4,000 citations within 219 categories. Emphasis is on environmental and mining, consisting of current state of the industry topics concerning precious metals, base metals, rare-earth elements, and on uranium, thorium, and energy source selection (nuclear power industry and renewables). For what’s new in the past 30-days, see (more), and for overall coverage, see (more).

2018-06-11T06:51:05-05:00August 25th, 2015|Tags: |0 Comments

I2M’s Resource Web Portal Update

I2M’s Resource Web Portal is approaching a major milestone of 3,000 citations in database content and in Internet popularity, Jeffrey D. King, P.G., President and CEO of I2M Associates, LLC, announced today in Seattle (more). He said that we are pleased regarding the reception the interactive I2M Web Portal is receiving and invites all to participate in the venture. The evolving objective of this venture is to provide relevant information on a range of topics we are involved in either with Client projects or via pro bono activities in professional societies on energy-source selection, mining, and associated environmental issues in the U.S. and around the World.

This venture is an expansion of our group’s previous efforts to define and offset the widespread impact of the various forms of media that are disseminating misrepresentations, misleading claims, and falsehoods published in local and national newsprint, on-air, and via the Internet, especially in the U.S. (more).

2018-06-11T06:45:06-05:00May 1st, 2015|Tags: |0 Comments

New “Field Alert” program in I2M Resource Web Portal

I2M Associates, LLC has initiated a new “Field Alert” program from within the Health and Safety Module of the I2M Resource Web Portal. This is to advise I2M associates and geoscientists wherever they are in the world concerning potential health threats or hazards when reporting on or working in the field. As reports come in to the I2M editors of the Web Portal, we will list them as “A Field Alert” via this link (Alert) and by the Navigation Tab on top right of the I2M web page shown as “Web Portal,” which contains lower in the page the introductory information regarding the Field Alert system in place (more).

2017-11-03T10:25:01-05:00July 6th, 2013|Tags: , |0 Comments

New I2M Resource Web Portal Released

Jeffrey D. King, P.G., President of I2M, announced today in Seattle that the new I2M Resource Web Portal has been released. Designed and built by M. David Campbell, P.G., I2M’s Project Manager and Senior Mining and Environmental Geologist, this Web Portal is made available to I2M Clients, Associates, geoscientists and the general public worldwide with a focus on scientific topics of interest to I2M Associates, LLC. He is also the Founder and Director of the MarineBio Conservation Society (MarineBio.org).

2019-03-02T11:41:16-06:00March 5th, 2013|Tags: |0 Comments
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I2M Consulting, LLC offers experienced geologists, hydrogeologists, and other scientists with many years in environmental assessments, including remediation management, mineral exploration and mining, project management, and mergers and acquisitions. Related areas of expertise include forensic and feasibility studies in the environmental and mining industries, and environmental site assessments, due diligence assessments, and impact assessments in addition to brownfield redevelopment and management (as well as grant application assistance) in the U.S, and for state and the U.S. governments, and the legal community around the U.S.

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Contact I2M Consulting, LLC

25707 Madison Falls Ln, Houston, TX, 77494

Phone: +1 713-248-1708

Web: i2mconsulting.com