I2M’s Resource Web Portal is approaching a major milestone of 3,000 citations in database content and in Internet popularity, Jeffrey D. King, P.G., President and CEO of I2M Associates, LLC, announced today in Seattle (more). He said that we are pleased regarding the reception the interactive I2M Web Portal is receiving and invites all to participate in the venture. The evolving objective of this venture is to provide relevant information on a range of topics we are involved in either with Client projects or via pro bono activities in professional societies on energy-source selection, mining, and associated environmental issues in the U.S. and around the World.

This venture is an expansion of our group’s previous efforts to define and offset the widespread impact of the various forms of media that are disseminating misrepresentations, misleading claims, and falsehoods published in local and national newsprint, on-air, and via the Internet, especially in the U.S. (more).