I2M Management and I2M Associates announced today that the I2M Group and contributors have come together to create The I2M Institute of Energy & Critical Resources.


To conduct formal and informal discussions and independent evaluations via virtual meetings on issues relating to:

  1. Energy resources, their availability and selection for the generation of electricity and impact on the environment, and
  2. Critical resources, their availability, use, cost to produce, and the geopolitical framework in the supply chain.


Institute members & contributors will collaborate on topical evaluations, publications, and reports to formalize findings & recommendations via Zoom panel meetings and will be available to industry, government, and news media for consultation on subjects that one or more members of the Institute may have expertise / experience, such as in energy-selection policy, uranium exploration, nuclear power, nuclear waste, critical resources, especially rare earth elements, etc., mining, associated environmental aspects of these areas, and in many subfields of geology, i.e., geochemistry, geophysics, hydrogeology, etc.


To maintain and continue to expand the I2M Web Portal database, containing as of October 27, 2021: 11,315 records, focused on papers, reports and technical news items relating to the Mission and Objectives of the Institute, some of which have been reviewed by applying a modified version of the protocol developed by Campbell, et al., (2018).

See The I2M Institute of  Energy and Critical Resources YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI3dyuNS2IhDZA7qjdwte3Q

See “What’s New” on the I2M Web Portal: https://web.i2massociates.com/whats_new.php 


Any and all funding received by the Institute will be fully disclosed. Currently, the Institute is funded by one or more members of the Institute.