
AAPG-EMD Memoir 101 published: “Energy Resources for Human Settlement in the Solar System and Earth’s Future in Space”

Jeffrey D. King, P.G., President and CEO of I2M Associates, LLC, announced today in Seattle that the long-awaited AAPG-EMD Memoir 101 has been published, entitled: Energy Resources for Human Settlement in the Solar System and Earth’s Future in Space. For the Table of Contents and Book Preface, see (here). To order the publication, see (more). Members of I2M and of the Energy Mineral Division’s Uranium (Nuclear and Rare Earth Minerals) Committee (UCOM) contributed the final Chapter 9, entitled: Nuclear Power and Associated Environmental Issues in the Transition of Exploration and Mining on Earth to the Development of Off-World Natural Resources in the 21st Century. I2M’s Chief Geologist/ Hydrogeologist, Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., serves as Chair of UCOM and served as Senior Author for Chapter 9, supported by co-authors: Mr. King (of I2M), Mr. Henry M. Wise (of UCOM), Mr. Bruce Handley (of UCOM and I2M), Dr. James L. Conca (of UCOM), and by M. David Campbell, P.G. (of I2M), (more).

2018-06-05T00:00:27-05:00April 6th, 2013|Tags: , |0 Comments

Houston Geological Society’s Environmental & Engineering Group Lecture

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., I2M Associates’ Vice President and Chief Geologist/Hydrogeologist presented a two-hour lecture to attendees of the Houston Geological Society’s Environmental & Engineering Group at their March Dinner Meeting. The presentation covered a review of liability and loss prevention in the geological consulting business, see abstract and biography, and a PDF of selected slides of the presentation (here).

2018-06-04T23:55:20-05:00March 14th, 2013|Tags: , |0 Comments

New I2M Resource Web Portal Released

Jeffrey D. King, P.G., President of I2M, announced today in Seattle that the new I2M Resource Web Portal has been released. Designed and built by M. David Campbell, P.G., I2M’s Project Manager and Senior Mining and Environmental Geologist, this Web Portal is made available to I2M Clients, Associates, geoscientists and the general public worldwide with a focus on scientific topics of interest to I2M Associates, LLC. He is also the Founder and Director of the MarineBio Conservation Society (

2019-03-02T11:41:16-06:00March 5th, 2013|Tags: |0 Comments

Reviews on the Navajo uranium mining clean-up around Cove, Arizona

Jeffrey D. King, P.G., President of I2M Associates, LLC announced today that the company has released for publication the 25th Review on the Navajo uranium mining clean-up around Cove, Arizona, the 26th Review considering the existing ban on uranium mining in Virginia, and the 27th Review of the adversarial views on the Colorado and South Dakota uranium mining projects, all part of the I2M series on combating bias in the U.S. news and Internet media against uranium mining and nuclear power development for generating electricity in the U.S. and overseas (more).

2018-06-04T23:45:28-05:00February 18th, 2013|Tags: , |0 Comments

PERC ground-water monitoring program at Tacoma, Washington industrial site

Jeffrey D. King, P.G., President of I2M Associates, LLC and of PERC, announced today the successful initiation of a long-term PERC ground-water monitoring program at a Tacoma, Washington industrial site. I2M Associates, LLC is providing hydrogeological support to the program led by I2M’s Chief Hydrogeologist, Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H. The program is now remotely recording data from six monitoring wells, three installed at three corners of the site in a shallow confined aquifer and three in a confined aquifer of intermediate depth, as well as monitoring local rainfall and battery voltage, which is recharged by solar panels:

The purpose of the program is to characterize the potential impact of:

  1. diurnal tidal fluctuations,
  2. rainfall recharge, and
  3. other environmental factors (i.e., barometric-pressure fluctuations, earthquakes disturbances, and possible compression of the confined aquifers by passing trains adjacent to the site).

The program became necessary because of the rapidly fluctuating water levels indicated by monthly and daily manual measurements of the monitoring wells screened in the two aquifers did not permit the characterization of the pressure distribution and hence ground-water flow direction within the two confined aquifers with any certainty. Manual monthly monitoring provided only a “snap-shot” in time which produced a potentiometric surface map that was only accurate for that specific “snap-shot” in time. A continuous monitoring program with 15-minute data readouts is required […]

2016-10-20T01:22:57-05:00December 27th, 2012|Tags: |0 Comments

Investigation of the potential impact of contaminants on ground-water supplies around a government facility

Mr. Jeffrey D. King, P.G., President of I2M Associates, LLC, announced today that I2M recently completed a report as part of a contract to conduct an investigation of the potential impact of contaminants on ground-water supplies around a government facility. This involved reviewing documents and conducting research to assess the government’s activities; the effort was led by I2M’s Chief Geologist/Hydrogeologist, Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H.

2016-10-20T01:54:04-05:00November 30th, 2012|Tags: |0 Comments

In-Situ Uranium Mining, Processing, & Environmental Assessment

Brooks County, Texas – In-Situ Uranium Solution Mining and Processing: I2M Associates, LLC was engaged in 2012 to conduct a comprehensive independent evaluation of the uranium production system in operation for the purpose of preparing a NI 43-101 report for the client and the Vancouver Stock Exchange and other exchanges.

This investigation included a review of the uranium resource drilling and logging data used by mining company to characterize the uranium roll-front orebodies in the primary and secondary zones, and of the processing plant chemical consumption rates, wastewater injection well condition and history, combined with a review of state and federal permits and associated fillings and reports. Conducted comprehensive economic modeling of ore grade, market price, and multi-case sensitivity to potential changes in project conditions.

2018-06-11T04:33:43-05:00October 11th, 2012|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Wishbone Gold plc (WBG) independent technical support provided

I2M Associates, LLC recently provided independent technical support to one of its clients, Wishbone Gold plc (WBG), to review press releases to the London AIM Stock Exchange on new information regarding their exploration projects for gold and other metals in Queensland, Australia. These announced that WBG is acquiring additional adjacent land holdings in the subject area, and that laboratory analyses from earlier preliminary reconnaissance sampling have shown encouraging results. The releases came after the recent publication of two I2M’s reports (CPRs) on the WBG’s original holdings in July, 2012 (see Press Releases of September 24 and September 17, 2012), (more).

2016-11-02T20:39:27-05:00September 26th, 2012|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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I2M Consulting, LLC offers experienced geologists, hydrogeologists, and other scientists with many years in environmental assessments, including remediation management, mineral exploration and mining, project management, and mergers and acquisitions. Related areas of expertise include forensic and feasibility studies in the environmental and mining industries, and environmental site assessments, due diligence assessments, and impact assessments in addition to brownfield redevelopment and management (as well as grant application assistance) in the U.S, and for state and the U.S. governments, and the legal community around the U.S.

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Contact I2M Consulting, LLC

25707 Madison Falls Ln, Houston, TX, 77494

Phone: +1 713-248-1708
