
New Associate Appointment: Samuel Chong

Jeffrey D. King, P.G., President of I2M, announced a new Associate appointment today:

  • Samuel Chong has joined I2M Associates as an advisor on economics and as a Chinese and Spanish translator/interpreter. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley, and a Master’s Degree in Financial Analysis from the University of Madrid, Spain. Mr. Chong will assist I2M management’s corporate communications with Chinese, Japanese, and Latin American interests and associated economic and financial assessments involved in I2M projects worldwide.
2018-06-09T10:24:36-05:00July 10th, 2012|0 Comments

40-day fact-finding tour of Africa

Jeffrey D. King, P.G., President and Senior Project Manager of I2M, returned from a 40-day fact-finding tour of Africa. His stops included Monrovia, Liberia; Lusaka, Zambia, Harare, Zimbabwe and Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa. He found Monrovia to be a thriving city, especially after the recent elections. The in-county individuals he met were especially gracious and accommodating. Mining investments and operations are expanding rapidly in Liberia and opportunity is apparent. He found Zambia, and Zimbabwe to be extremely impressive with joyful, hard working and industrious people who if trained properly would be excellent workers. Even with the discussions of nationalization and other proposed policy changes by the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa the country continues to bustle with new and old mining activities and opportunities. In summary he reports that given positive local relationships, the countries visited still offer very viable mining opportunities.

2016-10-20T01:22:57-05:00June 20th, 2012|Tags: , |0 Comments

Mexico City mineral exploration and mining activity meetings

Michael D. Campbell, VP and Chief Geologist of I2M returns from a two-day meeting with government officials in Mexico City regarding I2M’s entry into the mineral exploration and mining activities in Mexico. He reports that Mexico has taken huge steps in attracting foreign investments in mining, and the world is responding (see MP4).

Note: Users will need to have Quicktime installed, which can be downloaded for free from Mr. Campbell made numerous presentations after the visit to Mexico City.

2016-11-02T20:39:32-05:00May 10th, 2012|Tags: , |0 Comments

Michael D. Campbell, I2M’s Chief Geologist and Chief Hydrogeologist Appointed to the Editorial Board of the Journal: Geosciences

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., CPG, has been appointed to the Editorial Board of the Journal: Geosciences. The journal is an open-access, fast track effort to bring interesting topics to the field rapidly and at no cost to the reader. Geosciences (ISSN 2076-3263; CODEN: GBSEDA) is an interdisciplinary, international journal of geoscience, future earth and planetary science published monthly online by MDPI.

  • Open Access – free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
  • High visibility: Indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI – Web of Science), Scopus and other databases.
  • Rapid publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 22 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 7.4 days (median values for papers published in this journal in 2017).
2018-06-10T18:24:05-05:00May 3rd, 2012|0 Comments

“Uranium and Nuclear Minerals” in Journal of Natural Resources Research

Michael D. Campbell, and Michael A. Wiley, published “Uranium and Nuclear Minerals,” in Unconventional Energy Resources: 2011 Review of the Commodity Committee Activities of the Energy Minerals Division, American Assoc. Petroleum Geologists, in Journal of Natural Resources Research, Vol. 20, No. 4, December, pp. 279-328. (in PDF, Uranium Section, pp. 311-328).

2017-12-13T12:09:26-06:00December 28th, 2011|Tags: |0 Comments
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I2M Consulting, LLC offers experienced geologists, hydrogeologists, and other scientists with many years in environmental assessments, including remediation management, mineral exploration and mining, project management, and mergers and acquisitions. Related areas of expertise include forensic and feasibility studies in the environmental and mining industries, and environmental site assessments, due diligence assessments, and impact assessments in addition to brownfield redevelopment and management (as well as grant application assistance) in the U.S, and for state and the U.S. governments, and the legal community around the U.S.

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Contact I2M Consulting, LLC

25707 Madison Falls Ln, Houston, TX, 77494

Phone: +1 713-248-1708
