
Mini-Webinar on I2M Web Portal

This Mini-Webinar explains the purpose, the function, and how to use the I2M Web Portal. It now contains a database of more than 10,500 records consisting of: enhanced hyperlinks in abstracts, comments and hyperlinks to industry and government reports, technical papers, and technical news releases, all involving geoscience topics selected by the I2M management team, and now made available to the geoscience community in industry, university, and government. Members of the general public might also find the I2M Web Portal contents of interest.

The I2M Web Portal reflects our client-research activities over the years and our research in support of the AAPG Energy Minerals Division’s Uranium (Nuclear & REE) Committee.

We now begin many of our projects by search-checking the Web Portal for what information is available in the Portal even before we check Google. The I2M Web Portal is uploaded weekly with new reports, technical papers, technical news items, which are summitted for review by the I2M editors that meet focused criteria in some 30 categories. These range in topical coverage from astrogeology (yes, even on UFOs) to uranium with an overall emphasis on matters related to offworld (Moon, Mars, Venus, etc.), energy resources (O&G, coal, nuclear power, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and other renewables), climate change (issues, data, reports, politics, etc.), critical minerals and […]

2021-07-23T07:59:33-05:00March 30th, 2021|Comments Off on Mini-Webinar on I2M Web Portal

Beyond Hydrocarbons … The Rest of the Story.

The AAPG’s EMD’s Uranium (Nuclear & REE) Committee has just released an update to its annual report to the AAPG membership and to the general public. It will also be available one day on the AAPG website in Search & Discovery of their Data Pages publication in late 2021 (because of a Pandemic). In the meantime, the World Nuclear News has reported on the UCOM report (here).

Michael D. Campbell, I2M’s Chief Geologist and Chairman of UCOM said in a recent conference that serious competition is now underway to determine which energy source will dominate the power-grid of the foreseeable future. With coal declining rapidly, only natural gas, uranium (and nuclear power), hydroelectric power, and renewables (wind and solar) are in the running. Both natural gas and nuclear power are providing back-up to the power grid because of the inherent drawbacks of wind and solar, (where the former does not blow all the time and the latter is intermittent because there are cloudy days and the sun only shines during the day, of course). Because California has retired many of their nuclear power plants, natural gas has taken their place in the power grid in supporting California’s renewable energy systems and others around the U.S.

Inherent Failings of the Wind and Solar
Renewables’ inherent failings have been identified and this is made even more […]

2021-08-08T17:11:28-05:00December 18th, 2020|0 Comments

The I2M Web Portal Just Passed the Milestone of 10,700 Resources Selected for Review in WP Database.

Once again, thanks to all the hard work by the I2M Editors and contributors from around the world, the I2M Web Portal just passed 10,700 records that have been reviewed for possible presentation in the I2M Web Portal. These are available for searching and consist of historical reports, papers, and technical news items. The WP emphasis (as of 2019) is on uranium, nuclear minerals, and nuclear power followed by off-worlds activities and climate-change issues, and numerous other subjects of interest to the I2M management and Associates.

The WP supports the Energy Minerals Division Committee on Uranium (Nuclear and Rare Earths), the Astrogeology Committee, and I2M projects worldwide.

To all geoscientists and interested parties, feel free to continue to send in current or historical reports, papers, and technical news items for review and possible storage on this focused Internet file cabinet. It is available to I2M clients, associates, and the world-wide community of geoscientists and interested general public.

I2M Web Portal Editors  … check out the What’s New page every day for updates.

2021-05-16T10:47:20-05:00October 4th, 2020|0 Comments

I2M’s Chief Geologist also Presented Summary to ACE Conference Entitled: “Uranium & Nuclear Power are on the Move …”

A virtual summary presentation was made on October 1, 2020 for the 2020 ACE Ted-Like Talk Session on “What’s New in Energy Resources” by Michael D. Campbell, Chairman, EMD’s Uranium (Nuclear & REE) Committee:. entitled: “Uranium and Nuclear Power are on the Move …”.

The full version is available via YouTube: (here). Please note that the latter version of the presentation contains time gaps between some of the slides in the  discussion (up to 30 seconds in some cases). The time can be used to study the content of the slide, but the gaps will be eliminated in the next version of the presentation.

PDF (here), for links and references. You may want to open both the YouTube and the PDF to have time and access to the links during the time gaps. Also note that the PDF contains information that may not have been discussed during the narration or has been updated since the discussion was recorded.

The above presentation is an update to the 2020 UCOM Annual Report: (here).

Note: See the other presentations made by EMD personnel at the AAPG-EMD YouTube Channel, when they have been released:


2021-03-23T19:24:20-05:00October 1st, 2020|0 Comments

I2M’s Chief Geologist Presentation on the Sources of Rare Earth Elements in the U.S. and the World

This is the Full Version of an online summary presentation made by I2M’s Chief Geologist, Michael D. Campbell, for the AAPG Action Conference in the Theme 9 Session entitled: “The Critical Energy Minerals, The Next Energy Frontier,” on September 29th, 2020.

Introduction by Session Chair, Lindsay Ross (here). Abstract: (here).

Released via YouTube entitled: “The Sources of Rare Earth Elements in the U.S. and the World,”

Please note that the first version of the presentation contains time gaps between some of the slides in the discussion. The time could be used to study the content of the slide, but these gaps will be eliminated in the next updated version of the presentation.

PDF Version (here), contains all the links and references consulted for this presentation. It would be useful to open both YouTube and PDF files side-by-side for ease of access to supporting information. Also note that the PDF contains information that may not have been discussed during the narration or has been updated since the discussion was recorded.

Summary Coverage of Presentation:

REEs are apparently distributed throughout the universe and solar systems, Moon, meteorites, Earth’s crust, sea-floors, coal and lignite, and groundwater, — REE mineralization processes on Earth, often involve uranium, thorium and other critical elements and minerals.

Deposits and Mines Reviewed in China, U.S. (Texas, Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska, Alaska), Australia, Greenland, […]

2021-03-23T19:28:55-05:00October 1st, 2020|0 Comments

I2M’s Chief Geologist Presented 2020 Annual Uranium Committee Report to EMD During Zoom Conference

I2M’s Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., also serves as Chairman of the Uranium (Nuclear and REE) Committee (UCOM). He presented a summary of the 2020 Annual UCOM report to the Energy Minerals Division‘s Executive Committee, Commodity Chairs, other Committee Chairs, and special guests during a special Zoom presentation during the EMD Annual Meeting on June 6, 2020. The Annual AAPG-EMD Conference was originally scheduled for early June, 2020 in Houston, but has been cancelled because of the increasing spread of the coronavirus in the the Houston area and in the cities around Texas in general. The final UCOM Annual report is now available (here).

I2M Senior Principal/Project Manager, M. David Campbell, P.G., also serves as Special Consultant to UCOM.

2021-03-23T19:29:09-05:00May 22nd, 2020|0 Comments

The I2M Web Portal Just Passed the Milestone of 9,000 Resources Selected for Review in WP Database.

Thanks to all the hard work by the I2M Editors and contributors from around the world, the I2M Web Portal just passed 9,000 Resources that have been reviewed for possible presentation in the I2M Web Portal. These are available for searching and consist of historical reports, papers, and technical news items. The WP emphasis (as of 2019) is on uranium, nuclear minerals, and nuclear power followed by off-worlds activities and climate-change issues, and numerous other subjects of interest to the I2M management and associates.

The WP supports the Energy Minerals Division Committee on Uranium, Nuclear Minerals and Rare Earths and I2M projects worldwide.

To all geoscientists and interested parties, feel free to continue to send in current or historical reports, papers, and technical news items for review and possible storage on this focused Internet file cabinet. It is available to I2M clients, associates, and the world-wide community of geoscientists and interested general public.

I2M Web Portal Editors

2021-03-23T19:29:53-05:00December 27th, 2019|0 Comments

I2M’s Personnel Making Contributions to Industry Today, and Client Investments Years Ago Paying Off

Contributions to Industry:
I2M was advised today that is carrying an article by I2M Associate James Conca, Ph.D., that is based on the 2019 EMD Uranium Committee Annual Report presented last week at the AAPG Energy Minerals Division’s Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas:

I2M’s Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., serves as Chairman of the UCOM, supported by I2M Associates James Conca, Ph.D. and Roger W. Lee, Ph.D., P.G., who serve as members of the UCOM Advisory Group, and M. David Campbell, P.G., who serves as a Special Consultant to UCOM.

Client Investments Years Ago:

Also newsworthy, one of I2M’s clients in Australia just announced that the Brilliant Brumby project is beginning preparations for the mining phase for developing the gold deposits drilled over the past 8 years. I2M performed the first comprehensive investigation of the area in 2011 and recommended vigorous pursuance of additional exploration in the area, see report:

I2M’s Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H. served as Chief Geologist, and Jeffrey D. King, P.G. was the founder of I2M and served as President and Senior Project Manager in 2011.

InterGroup Mining, Ltd:

Another client project has recently begun shipping lead-zinc and gold/silver/pyrite concentrates out of Tasmania to Korea for smelting. I2M conducted a preliminary assessment of the metal content contained in the tailings ponds at the Hellyer Mine in 2015:

2021-03-23T19:30:19-05:00May 29th, 2019|0 Comments

I2M’s Campbell Releases 2019 Annual Report of the Uranium (Nuclear and Rare Earth) Committee of the Energy Minerals Division (AAPG)

I2M’s Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., is also Chairman of the Uranium (Nuclear and REE) Committee (UCOM) and presented a summary of the 2019 Annual UCOM report to the Energy Minerals Division‘s Executive Committee, Commodity Chairs, other Committee Chairs, and special guests during the beginning of the Annual AAPG Conference on May 18, 2019 in San Antonio, Texas. The full report is available (here). […]

2021-03-23T19:30:31-05:00May 15th, 2019|0 Comments
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I2M Consulting, LLC offers experienced geologists, hydrogeologists, and other scientists with many years in environmental assessments, including remediation management, mineral exploration and mining, project management, and mergers and acquisitions. Related areas of expertise include forensic and feasibility studies in the environmental and mining industries, and environmental site assessments, due diligence assessments, and impact assessments in addition to brownfield redevelopment and management (as well as grant application assistance) in the U.S, and for state and the U.S. governments, and the legal community around the U.S.

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Contact I2M Consulting, LLC

25707 Madison Falls Ln, Houston, TX, 77494

Phone: +1 713-248-1708
