Over the past 8 months, Mr. Campbell has been working on his memoirs and the book titled “Anecdotes of a Lifetime: Memoirs of a Professional Geologist” is now available. He said that his primary objective was to make a record for his grandchildren and their grandchildren of the life of their grandfather, his family, friends, and professional associates who lived in the mid-late 20th Century as a professional geologist and hydrogeologist and worked well into the 21st Century. It is in hardback and paperback on Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble, and is available in Kindle and E-Book, which takes advantage of the numerous cited footnote references of hyperlinks, which relates “the rest of the story.” It contains 17 chapters of 443 pages (the improved PDF contain 456 pages), 229 footnotes of hyperlinks, 274 photographs, 12 graphics, and an extended Index of characters and major topics.

For a brief biography, Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G. is a well-known geologist and hydrogeologist with a professional career covering almost 60 years. He served Conoco during the 1960s in Australia and  U.S., as senior geologist, and during the 1970s and 1980s with Keplinger & Associates, Inc., Law Engineering, and ENSR Engineering & Consulting as Chief Hydrogeologist. During the early 1990s, he was employed by DuPont as the Regional Technical Manager (Central U.S.) and Chief Hydrogeologist in senior management in the U.S. In the mid-1990s, he went into private practice. He is the senior author of “Water Well Technology: Field Principles of Exploration Drilling and Development of Groundwater and Other Selected Minerals,” (McGraw-Hill) and other technical texts and papers, and most recently his memoirs: “Anecdotes of a Lifetime: Memoirs of a Professional Geologist,” (Westwood Book Publishing, LLC). He also currently serves as the I2M Web Portal’s Principal Editor. Follow him via I2M Consulting.com, on Twitter (aka X), on Facebook, and on YouTube. Reach him via email at mdc@i2mconsulting.com.

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