I2M News

The I2M Corporation Continues to Build the I2M Team with an Additional Technical Advisor

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G., President and CEO of the I2M Corporation (Texas), announced today that the I2M Board of Directors has approved the engagement of James A. Saunders, Ph.D., P.G., as a Technical Advisor. He will report to Mr. Campbell and the I2M Board of Directors on matters related to subsurface biogeochemical processes and to environmental matters during the permitting process on various projects, which will soon be underway.

Dr. Saunders held academic positions for 31 years at Boise State University, the University of Mississippi, and Auburn University. During that time, he taught classes in, and conducted research on, aqueous-environmental geochemistry and mineral deposits. He also served as a project geologist for Law Environmental Services in the Atlanta area for three years, held a part-time appointment with the USGS Branch of Geochemistry in Denver for three years, and held summer jobs with AMAX, Selco Mining, and U.S. Steel.

While at U.S. Steel, Dr. Saunders worked in an exploration program in South Texas for roll-front uranium deposits that were potentially suited for in-situ leaching. Saunders’ background in geochemistry led to his interests in using it to explore for mineral deposits and also deducing how some types of ores formed by hydrothermal geochemical processes. He also conducted research on the geochemistry of meta(loid)s (e.g., arsenic, selenium, uranium, lead, zinc, cadmium, etc.) in […]

2024-12-14T16:05:13-06:00December 14th, 2024|Comments Off on The I2M Corporation Continues to Build the I2M Team with an Additional Technical Advisor

The I2M Corporation Adds Depth to its Management Team

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G., President and CEO of the I2M Corporation (Texas), announced today that the I2M Board of Directors has approved the engagement of Jeremy “Paul” Heikkila in the newly created position of Chief Landman for the I2M Corporation (Texas). He will functionally report to Michael A. Knowles, I2M Vice-President, and ultimately to Michael D. Campbell, when necessary.

Mr. Heikkila’s experience as a Land Professional extends over the past 20+ years in the oil and gas industry, primarily working with landowners, local governmental agencies, business owners, mineral leasing, land acquisition, extensive title knowledge, lease negotiation, seismic and drilling projects, mineral ownership reports, due diligence, ROW acquisition, curative and negotiating damages/crop loss. Mr. Heikkila has worked in many counties across Texas, Mississippi, South Carolina, Georgia and Missouri.

He has contributed to management teams in various functions, such as finance, human resources, and marketing. And has built and maintained strong relationships with clients, partners, and key stakeholders. He also monitored operational performance using data and key metrics , and has monitored compliance with regulatory requirements and industry standards. Work closely with the CEO and other C-level executives to achieve the company’s goals.

The following is a summary of Mr. Heikkila experience during past 20 years:

  • Researched and provided documentation of leases, rights-of-way, joint ventures, and other types of oil and gas agreements.
  • Performed title-information gathering, organizing […]
2024-12-12T00:26:23-06:00December 12th, 2024|Comments Off on The I2M Corporation Adds Depth to its Management Team

The I2M Corporation Continues to Build the I2M Team by Adding New Technical Advisor

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G., President and CEO of the I2M Corporation (Texas), announced today that the I2M Board of Directors has approved the engagement of Roger W. Lee, Ph.D., P.G., as Technical Advisor. He will report to Mr. Campbell and the I2M Board of Directors on matters related to subsurface hydrogeochemical processes and to environmental matters during the permitting process on various projects, which will soon be underway.

Dr. Lee served with the U. S. Geological Survey for 30 years in the role as hydrogeologist and geochemist in the Water Resources and Research Divisions, and over the past 10 years he has served as a consultant to ERM in Houston, Texas, and Simm & Associates, LLC (Now NewFields). More recently, Dr. Lee has also been advising I2M Consulting, LLC, as an I2M Associate.

As an environmental geochemist working with environmental aqueous geochemistry, Dr. Lee worked on U.S. Geological Survey-assigned tasks associated with the occurrence of uranium mineralization in various parts of the U.S. From 1980-1999, he conducted geochemical investigations on more than 20 aquifer systems throughout the US.  Basic data collection of groundwater from those aquifers included dissolved uranium and radium which were entered into the USGS groundwater database. Data collection included field data of oxidation/reduction characteristics in each sample.  His team found several upgradient areas where groundwater was […]

2024-12-14T15:50:30-06:00November 10th, 2024|Comments Off on The I2M Corporation Continues to Build the I2M Team by Adding New Technical Advisor

The I2M Corporation adds Vice President – Corporate Communications

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G., President & CEO of the I2M Corporation (Texas), announced today that  Michael A. Knowles has been appointed as Vice President – Corporate Communication. He holds a bachelor’s degree from University of Central Florida in Marketing and has an extensive background in business development, technology solutions, and real estate. His general functions will be as follows:

  • Becoming familiar with the I2M business history and corporate goals,
  • Overseaing public affairs and external communications, and
  • Managing and aligning corporate messaging consistent with corporate goals.

His specific functions will be as follows:

  • Develop plans to approach Texas potential mineral and surface lease owners for I2M projects,
  • Develop and execute potential strategies in managing potential mineral and surface lease holders in Texas,
  • Oversee obtaining mineral and surface leases in Texas, and
  • Establish liaison with the County Economic Development Councils in Texas to inform of I2M current plans and to enlist assistance with public relations.

Campbell said : “He and the Board of Directors are pleased with the addition of Mr. Knowles to the I2M Team. This represents the next step in building additional senior capabilities into the I2M Corporation Team as we develop our uranium, rare earths, gold, and other projects in Texas and elsewhere.”

2024-10-24T18:38:49-05:00October 23rd, 2024|Comments Off on The I2M Corporation adds Vice President – Corporate Communications

The I2M Web Portal Passes 14,000 Reviewed Records

Michael D. Campbell, I2M’s Chief Geologist and Chief Hydrogeologist, announced today that the I2M Web Portal has just passed the 14,000 records mark in its searchable database of energy, mineral, environmental, and social articles, old and new technical papers, energy and mineral-related articles, and geologically related space news, and special editorials on a variety of topics of interest to the geological, natural resource, and environmental communities of U.S. and world-wide professionals as well as to the interested general public. A brief mini-webinar is available that discusses the basic features of the I2M Web Portal (here). There is no charge for the I2M Web Portal and it is offered by I2M as a public service.

The I2M personnel continues to monitor the Internet and selects those articles and news items that are of interest to I2M management on behalf of the geological community (see What’s New). Selected news items/papers are reviewed for bias as summarized in 2018 (here). This effort was initiated in 2009 and continues to date, while the I2M personnel and selected Associates work on other projects, some of whom are now part of the managment team of the I2M Corporation (Texas).

2024-10-11T11:53:35-05:00October 11th, 2024|Comments Off on The I2M Web Portal Passes 14,000 Reviewed Records

President & CEO of the I2M Corporation Announces New Board of Directors

Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G., who was elected in early 2024 as President and CEO of the I2M Corporation in Katy, Texas, announced today the appointments of new members to the I2M Corporation Board of Directors.  Mr. Campbell said: “These appointments are to prepare the company for engaging in the new projects that are in negotiations and others in the pipeline of the I2M Corporation.”
He said: “One of the projects they have under consideration is for a uranium recovery project in Texas, and other projects are currently being assessed involving gold and uranium in other areas outside of Texas.”

The New Board Members are:

  1. Ruffin I. Rackley, M.A., well-known expert on uranium roll-front deposits worldwide, Ex-Vice President – Exploration at Teton Exploration (Div. United Nuclear Corp.) in Casper, Wyoming during the 1960s and 1970s. Was Mr. Campbell’s supervisor at Teton. (now based In Seattle),
  2. Bruce Rubin, B.Sc., also well known for developing the classical roll-front model. Ex-District Geologist at Teton Exploration (Div. United Nuclear Corp.) in Casper, Wyoming during the 1960s and 1970s. Later he served as the Senior Geologist-for the Western Division, General Public Utilities in Albuquerque, Owner of Three-Mile Island Nuclear Power Plants in the 1970s. Was Mr. Campbell’s co-worker at Teton. (now based In Upstate NY).
  3. Kevin Biddle, Ph.D., worked with Mr. Campbell on uranium while at […]
2024-10-22T23:32:26-05:00August 2nd, 2024|Comments Off on President & CEO of the I2M Corporation Announces New Board of Directors

I2M’s Chief Geologist Interviewed on his “Memoirs” in Houston Geological Society Bulletin April 2024 Issue

After a Zoom interview with an editor last month for an article in the Houston Geological Society Bulletin, a number of edits and corrections were then submitted during the drafting period. I2M’s Campbell says the resulting article still has a few snafu’s but he was generally pleased with it.

Here is the edited draft submited to the editors (here) and here is the resulting HGS article as intended with minor corrections (here), but not executed by the editor of HGS. Here is the current final version on-line (here).

He said that he appreciated the interest shown by HGS in his Memoirs (more).


2024-04-09T10:44:48-05:00April 3rd, 2024|Comments Off on I2M’s Chief Geologist Interviewed on his “Memoirs” in Houston Geological Society Bulletin April 2024 Issue

Texas Triangle is Growing


We all know the State of Texas is huge. Most people don’t know about the TEX-A-PLEX. Do you?
It will be surprising. It was to us.
  • The triangular region framed in by the cities of Austin, Dallas–Fort Worth, Houston, and San Antonio is experiencing a wave of growth of historic proportions more than anywhere in the world;
  •  In 2020, the population of the Texas Triangle reached nearly 21 million;
  • The Texas Triangle contains five of the 20 largest cities in the U.S., and was home to more than 70% of all Texans: City of Dallas, City of Fort Worth, City of Austin, City of Houston and City of San Antonio;
  • The Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) is bigger than all of Manhattan;
  • The University of Texas at Austin is the third largest land owner in the United States;
  • San Antonio is bigger than New York City and Detroit combined;
  • Houston area has a bigger population than Colorado and 34 other states;
  • Four of the top ten metro statistical areas are in Texas;
  • The Texas economy is on fire. The state added 660,000 new jobs last year […]
2024-01-20T09:54:58-06:00January 20th, 2024|Comments Off on Texas Triangle is Growing

I2M Web Portal Reaches Milestone in Early 2024

The I2M Web Portal passed 13,500 records reviewed early in 2024.  New enhancements are being added in many records, consisting of topical graphic(s), increased number of links to provide context for many of the articles.

Here are some of the I2M 2023 highlights:

  • The Web Portal is free to clients, associates, and the general public (more).
  • Rigorous monitoring by DC (the webmaster) for virus and malware attacks.
  • Search facilities covering all 13,500 (and counting) records.
  • Short Webinar providing insight to using the I2M Web Portal (more)
  • A Table of Contents favorite categories (for 2022) (2023 in preparation).
  • A “What’s New” page for current records just included (see date in small print).
  • New Podcast and previous YOUTUBE videos (Here).
  • The beginning of the Institute of Energy and Critical Resources (Here).
  • Mr. Campbell’s Memoirs were published in 2023 (Here).
2024-01-31T22:20:07-06:00January 17th, 2024|Comments Off on I2M Web Portal Reaches Milestone in Early 2024

I2M’s Michael D. Campbell Announced Updated PDF (Kindle) Version of Memoirs

I2M’s Michael D. Campbell reminded the Followers of I2M that he has updated the PDF version of his Memoirs and has revised the Table of Contents and Index for improved access within the PDF. He reminds the reader that the PDF version (which is available in Kindle) takes advantage of the numerous cited footnotes and textural references with hyperlinks, and which relates “the rest of the story.”

The printed versions contain 17 chapters of 443 pages (while the improved PDF contains 456 pages), 229 footnotes of hyperlinks, 274 photographs, 12 graphics, and an extended Index of Characters and list major topics of discussion. These added features justify the somewhat higher price of the Kindle version than other Kindle offerings by Amazon.


2023-10-24T12:41:37-05:00September 11th, 2023|Comments Off on I2M’s Michael D. Campbell Announced Updated PDF (Kindle) Version of Memoirs
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I2M Consulting, LLC offers experienced geologists, hydrogeologists, and other scientists with many years in environmental assessments, including remediation management, mineral exploration and mining, project management, and mergers and acquisitions. Related areas of expertise include forensic and feasibility studies in the environmental and mining industries, and environmental site assessments, due diligence assessments, and impact assessments in addition to brownfield redevelopment and management (as well as grant application assistance) in the U.S, and for state and the U.S. governments, and the legal community around the U.S.

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Contact I2M Consulting, LLC

25707 Madison Falls Ln, Houston, TX, 77494

Phone: +1 713-248-1708

Web: i2mconsulting.com