Mini-Webinar on I2M Web Portal
This Mini-Webinar explains the purpose, the function, and how to use the I2M Web Portal. It now contains a database of more than 10,500 records consisting of: enhanced hyperlinks in abstracts, comments and hyperlinks to industry and government reports, technical papers, and technical news releases, all involving geoscience topics selected by the I2M management team, and now made available to the geoscience community in industry, university, and government. Members of the general public might also find the I2M Web Portal contents of interest.
The I2M Web Portal reflects our client-research activities over the years and our research in support of the AAPG Energy Minerals Division’s Uranium (Nuclear & REE) Committee.
We now begin many of our projects by search-checking the Web Portal for what information is available in the Portal even before we check Google. The I2M Web Portal is uploaded weekly with new reports, technical papers, technical news items, which are summitted for review by the I2M editors that meet focused criteria in some 30 categories. These range in topical coverage from astrogeology (yes, even on UFOs) to uranium with an overall emphasis on matters related to offworld (Moon, Mars, Venus, etc.), energy resources (O&G, coal, nuclear power, hydroelectric, wind, solar, and other renewables), climate change (issues, data, reports, politics, etc.), critical minerals and […]