I2M’s Chief Geologist/Chief Hydrologist, Michael D. Campbell, P.G., P.H., C.P.G., and I2M’s Senior Project Manager, M. David Campbell, P.G., supported by Henry M. Wise, the Senior Remediation Specialist in Texas for SWS Environmental Services have updated the IET Guide first released in 2013 for the graduates of the IET program, and other professional groups, including the members of the Houston Geological Society and the AIPG in Texas.

The original report has been updated and revised into a paper format by the Journal of Geology and Geoscience, based in London (here). This will also provide a wider readership around the world because subsidence and faulting in soft sediments are not limited to the Houston area.

We are conducting the final review and are adding an author and subject index because of the substantial literature base of the subjects treated.